Saturday, September 15, 2007


The breath is the element which humans or animals need. In fact, human has always treat the breathing lightly, sad to say human had taken it for granted due to its ignorance. Smoking, Vehicles (more carbon monoxides) etc

When there is breath, there is body. Without the breath, the body will not be there.
With the body, the humans have so much worries of how to maintain the body that each ego-self has.

If there isn't such a body, human will not kill the animals for their food consumption or temptation. Although I understand this is a food chain. This is individual ego-self think that it should be the way of human life. Some businessman had make the animal reproducing cycle process faster to cater for human wants and get their greed temptation of making more money. Where is the business ethics and natural way of animal producing for human needs. Good food = Good illness if you do not know how to control the temptation from those "delicious" food!!

If by growing grains, vegetables and fruits, those really do not meet the demand for the human consumptions? Do we really need to go to such an extent to make such a fast supply on foods for the human consumption. Esp Singapore, good food but some people take it for granted, too much choices for them to take and finished. Think of the consequences which I doubt the businessman will do. Furthermore, there are many types of illnesses around which the doctors have not had any solution to treat.

Please do not take this body lightly. When you have this body, please make good use of it and not create trouble for ego-self and ignorance to yourself and others.
Clean Air = Clean Breath = Healthy body


Anonymous said...

Good Food = Good illness?????

Is there an illness that can be considered Good?

Laughing budda said...

Yes, there is. Those illness where the doctors do not have solution to it. It should be categorize as "good illness". It may sound very cruel but in fact this is what the world presenting. I may get it someday as well. That's why doctors normally ask people to eat healthy but some of them are also unable resist the temptation of "good food".

Anonymous said...

Good Food can have many meanings.
Good Quality? Great Taste?
Good Food can also mean healthy food.
So the scope of good here is too wide.

Good Food don't really makes us ill, unhealthy food makes us ill.
And an uncontrolled diet gives us problems when we get old.