Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Disinfect In Ego. This H1N1 had made every soul awake despite nationality, religion, race etc. Every human live is precious. Human should live in humility, understanding about EGO. When a human is well and healthy, they started trying to be funny and not thinking about treasuring their lives and put others live before theirs. They simply ignore other people suggestions and always put their EGO in the first place.

Some human are even too afraid to DIE. Eventually you and me will die. It is only about when, how and where to die? We should be united over every circumstances when disasters happen. This is a test of human purity and selflessness.

In this time, who are more afraid to get H1N1..Think..hahhaha
1. A person who is rich
2. A person who is afraid to die

Choice 2.
A person who is more afraid to die will necessary die first cos of its emotional unsteadiliness. The soul is weaken by its mental state. Bad thoughts will come into the brain more and more until a stage where the soul will no be able to take it further.

soul, mind and the body.


Boo! said...

Will happy thoughts keep me from being sad?

Will being optimistic keep bad things from happening to me?

On your last post you talked about Karma and I believe very much in that. When not so fantastic things happen to me, I will just shrug and say, "at least I am paying off some of my bad karma!" hahahahaha

Laughing budda said...

Answer to Q1
Yes, it is your choice to stay happy or sad. A single change of thought can make you sad or happy for the whole day.

Answer to Q2
I shall put it as in life training rather than "bad things". Optimistic is good by helping you to look at things from a positive perspective of the "BAD" things happen rather than think it negatively.
In Chinese saying, 因祸得福。
There always things for you and me to learn from failures, faults or mistakes.

That's good, when bad debts are cleared, you have gain your freedom. Please continue to plant good karma seeds, and you have good fruits.
