Monday, April 27, 2009

Humanistic EGO

HUMAN, HUMAN, please do not take things for granted. People think the bird flu will be a threat and now pig is the biggest threat at present in world. It will be cow again and on on on.. please stop killing the animals..

Why did I say stop killing animal? As we know, the animal rear is either produce for meat or milk for human consumption. That's true in the past. But now, what exactly happen. Our food consumptions is over excess for developed countries and under provision for undeveloped countries. Human are selfish, they rather have excess, and the excess would not share out to others. I don't know what they will do with the excess food they have.

I don't know when does the buffet started?? If they waste those food, it is as simple as wasting the earth resources. And those animals will be die for nothing.

Where is our clean and green earth if this cycle going on and on...
What if the earth resources is used up, what will happen to the newborn human?? Unless, you care less and enjoy of what you have now. Do not forget while you are enjoying, it could be the fallen times at next moment.

When you are treating human badly, the god will give you equal treatment cos GOD loves that human that was bullied as well as the human who bully. Please don't think high high that you will not get it cos GOD BLESS YOU. It is just a matter of time that he will give you test.

KARMA as well..

Please always eat humble pie.

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